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PRESS RELEASE – Book: The Breached Dam – The Fiducia Supplican’s Surrender to the Homosexual Movement

In a pontificate marked by acts that have caused a stir, few have had the global impact of Fiducia Supplicans, the statement of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith signed by its new prefect, Cardinal V. M. Fernandez, and personally approved by Pope Francis in December 2023. The document gives the green light to priestly blessings for couples in irregular unions, including those of the same sex.

It is unusual for entire episcopates, authoritative cardinals and bishops, professors of moral theology and canon law, countless priests involved in pastoral work, and Catholic faithful scattered across five continents to react negatively to an official document of the Holy See.

These reactions have forced Cardinal Fernandez and the Pope himself to offer clarifications and specifications, which in general have only added to the perplexity and confusion over the Declaration. In fact, as long as what is explicitly written in the Declaration is not retracted, what is said in uncertain, sometimes unedited and improvised language seems insignificant to most people; for example, when artificial distinctions are made between a same-sex couple and a same-sex union.

In the context of the unprecedented international controversy caused by Fiducia Supplicans, an in-depth study on how, for several decades, a powerful LGBT lobby has been established within the Catholic Church has been missing. Meanwhile, this lobby has been able to operate skilfully in the field of social activism as well as in the academic and theological spheres, with the aim of eliminating from Catholic doctrine the gravely sinful character that the Church ascribes to homosexual acts, and even to have them approved as authentic signs of Christian love.

To fill this gap, the book The Breached Dam: The Fiducia Supplicans Surrender to the Homosexual Movement (available in seven languages, including English and Italian, edited by Tradizione Famiglia Proprietà), by scholars Jose Antonio Ureta and Julio Loredo, is being released today. Its 117 pages, agile yet carefully documented, reliably demonstrate that the Argentine prelate’s arrival as prefect of the DDF, and his resounding Declaration, Fiducia Supplicans, are nothing more than the crowning achievement of the aforementioned project to open up to homosexuality, carefully carried out within significant sectors of the Church.

The authors state at the outset that they are not out to denigrate or vilify anyone, least of all those who meritoriously master a tendency that the Church defines as ”objectively disordered”. The authors are aware of the vast difference between these persons and those activists who instead present their homosexual lifestyle as a source of pride, even seeking official approval from the Catholic Church.

In the preface to the book, Bishop Robert Mutsaerts, auxiliary bishop of ‘s­Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands, asks: ”Can a priest give his blessing to a union that the Bible considers sinful?” He replies: ”This is a rhetorical question; a blessing is sought to heal a broken situation in life, not to perpetuate a disordered one. One cannot reject God’s judgment and moral demands and continue to appeal to His mercy.”

The Breached Dam: The Fiducia Supplicans Surrender to the Homosexual Lobby will be available online in English on several platforms, including Amazon Kindle Downloads, today at 9am EST, and in Italian, on the ISSUU platform.

Tradizione Famiglia Proprietà – www.atfp.it

Via Nizza 110- 00198 Rome


(+39) 068417603

Free copies of The Breached Dam are available on these platforms:

PDF: https://blessings.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/The%20Breached%20Dam.pdf

HTML: https://www.tfp.org/the-breached-dam/

Epub: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1569939

Mobi: https://blessings.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/The%20Breached%20Dam.mobi

AZW: https://blessings.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/The%20Breached%20Dam.azw3



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