Impurity is plastered everywhere today: Films, television, billboards, music, entertainment, books, and magazines.
We must fight back.
The following collection of quotes — many of which are authored by Doctors of the Church — will provide you with the support and encouragement you need to stand your ground and fight for purity.
1. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” — Matthew 5:8
2. “Holy Purity, the queen of virtues, the angelic virtue, is a jewel so precious that those who possess it become like the angels of God in heaven, even though clothed in mortal flesh.” — Saint John Bosco
3. “We must be pure. I do not speak merely of the purity of the senses. We must observe great purity in our will, in our intentions, in all our actions.” — Saint Peter Julian Eymard
4. “Those whose hearts are pure are the temples of the Holy Spirit.” — Saint Lucy
5. “We must practise modesty, not only in our looks, but also in our whole deportment, and particularly in our dress, our walk, our conversation, and all similar actions.” — Saint Alphonsus Liguori
6. “In the realm of evil thoughts none induces to sin as much as do thoughts that concern the pleasure of the flesh.” — Saint Thomas Aquinas
7. “In temptations against chastity, the spiritual masters advise us, not so much to contend with the bad thought, as to turn the mind to some spiritual, or, at least, indifferent object. It is useful to combat other bad thoughts face to face, but not thoughts of impurity.” — Saint Alphonsus Liguori
8. “Lust indulged became habit, and habit unresisted became necessity.” — Saint Augustine
9. “More souls go to hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason.” — Our Lady of Fatima
10. “Filthy talk makes us feel comfortable with filthy action. But the one who knows how to control the tongue is prepared to resist the attacks of lust.” — Saint Clement of Alexandria
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11. “The man of impure speech is a person whose lips are but an opening and a supply pipe which hell uses to vomit its impurities upon the earth.” — Saint John Vianney
12. “Either we must speak as we dress, or dress as we speak. Why do we profess one thing and display another? The tongue talks of chastity, but the whole body reveals impurity.” — Saint Jerome
13. “A pure soul is like a fine pearl. As long as it is hidden in the shell, at the bottom of the sea, no one thinks of admiring it. But if you bring it into the sunshine, this pearl will shine and attract all eyes. Thus the pure soul, which is hidden from the eyes of the world, will one day shine before the Angels in the sunshine of eternity.” — Saint John Vianney
14. “The pure soul is a beautiful rose, and the Three Divine Persons descend from Heaven to inhale its fragrance.” — Saint John Vianney
15. “Chastity is the lily of virtues, and makes men almost equal to Angels. Everything is beautiful in accordance with its purity. Now the purity of man is chastity, which is called honesty, and the observance of it, honour and also integrity; and its contrary is called corruption; in short, it has this peculiar excellence above the other virtues, that it preserves both soul and body fair and unspotted.” — Saint Francis de Sales
16. “Humility is the safeguard of chastity. In the matter of purity, there is no greater danger than not fearing the danger. For my part, when I find a man secure of himself and without fear, I give him up for lost. I am less alarmed for one who is tempted and who resists by avoiding the occasions, than for one who is not tempted and is not careful to avoid occasions. When a person puts himself in an occasion, saying, I shall not fall, it is an almost infallible sign that he will fall, and with great injury to his soul.” — Saint Philip Neri
17. “Your good resolutions must not make you proud, but humble and diffident; you carry a large sum of gold about you, take care not to meet any highwaymen. In this life there is nothing certain: we are in a continual warfare, and, therefore, ought to be on our guard day and night. We sail in a tempestuous sea that threatens us on every side, and in a poor leaky vessel: the devil, who aims at nothing less than our destruction, never ceases to increase the storm, to overwhelm us thereby, if he can; hence it was that the Apostle gave this precaution, even to the virtuous: ‘Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall’ (1 Cor. x.12).” — Saint Jerome, Epistle to Saint Eustochium
18. “The state of grace is nothing other than purity, and it gives heaven to those who clothe themselves in it. Holiness, therefore, is simply the state of grace purified, illuminated, beautified by the most perfect purity, exempt not only from mortal sin but also from the smallest faults; purity will make saints of you! Everything lies in this!” — Saint Peter Julian Eymard
19. “Chastity, or cleanness of heart, holds a glorious and distinguished place among the virtues, because she, alone, enables man to see God; hence Truth itself said, ‘Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.’” — Saint Augustine
Pagan Celebration at St. Brigid’s Shrine Stopped by Faithful Catholics
20. “There is no remedy so powerful against the heat of concupiscence as the remembrance of our Savior’s Passion. In all my difficulties I never found anything so efficacious as the wounds of Christ: In them I sleep secure; from them I derive new life.” — Saint Augustine
21. “God bestows more consideration on the purity of the intention with which our actions are performed than on the actions themselves.” — Saint Augustine
22. “He alone loves the Creator perfectly who manifests a pure love for his neighbor.” — Saint Bede the Venerable
23. “You carry your snare everywhere and spread your nets in all places. You allege that you never invited others to sin. You did not indeed, by your words, but you have done so by your dress and your deportment.” — Saint John Chrysostom
24. “Let your modesty be a sufficient incitement, yea, an exhortation to everyone to be at peace on their merely looking at you.” — Saint Ignatius of Loyola
This year, it is more crucial than ever that we turn to prayer and intercession to increase devotion to Our Lady across our country. That’s why you’re invited to join us in the Three Hail Marys Pledge, a powerful devotion that can bring personal spiritual benefits and national transformation. By reciting three Hail Marys daily, you honour the Immaculate Heart of Mary and seek her intercession for the conversion of sinners, the salvation of souls and the restoration of Ireland’s Catholic Faith. This ancient devotion, revealed to Saint Mechtilde, promises spiritual benefits including protection from mortal sin and the assurance of a good death. Your daily prayers will contribute to an increase in devotion to Our Lady, the conversion of sinners and the moral renewal of our country. Let us commit to this powerful devotion and seek the guidance and protection of Our Lady.
Inspiring quotes! Thank-you!
Inspiring quotes! Thank-you!
Like many Roman Catholics, I tire of these constant assaults like Benedetta against our Lord, Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother. Those who engage in such filth and aggression are members of Satan’s army – denouncers of what is pure, good and holy. One day they will come to recognize the love that Christ offered by his crucifixion and death for us – too late as they will be in the clutches of evil.
Film should be banned …..Our Lady of Fatima mentioned to 3 children about please to pray for the Conversion of Russia in 1917 came true so look at Russia leader is doing against poor helpless Ukrainians at present
Please pray for the conversion of Russia due to Pope did not say to pray for the conversion of Russia but instead of prayed for the world oh my God during in about 1920s …what Our Lady of Fatima appeared to 3 children in 1917 for 13 rd every month 6 times apparitions
I think that, when these people recognize what they are doing, it will be too late. Let us pray that that day will come soon. It cannot come too soon, but may it come soon enough that it will serve as an example to those who are still thinking about what “road” to take, and may it be a severe enough example that those “thinking about what they are planning to do can change their mind..
Yes awful l do not understand why pope did not say prayers for the conversion of Russia instead pray for the world so wrong way so look at Russia killed many many many innocent Ukrainians and force many etc refugees leaving every day nonstop
Keep praying for all together everyday with Our Lady Jesus Christ all Saints Angels
Keep praying for the conversion of Russia what Our Lady of Fatima asked 1 or3 children about prayers for the conversion of Russia what Our Lady mentioned l hope whole Church pray for them urgently because Russia destroyed many buildings and so on and killed massive many innocent people and millions refugees to many countries
Keep praying for the conversion of Russia what Our Lady of Fatima asked 1 or3 children about prayers for the conversion of Russia what Our Lady mentioned l hope whole Church pray for them urgently because Russia destroyed many buildings and so on and killed massive many innocent people and millions refugees to many countries
Yes of course so hopefully with God Help. Blessed Virgin Mary will crush Satan so may be after 3 days chastiments will be far worse than 3 rd world war
Our Father Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.
I am so tired of the constant war against our Catholic faith. It is partially due to “our” own fault because, for too long, many Catholics didn’t take the time to protest these types of attacks; therefore, allowing empty souls like this “producer” to provoke us in order to satisfy their ego or for the sake of money.
Now we Catholics MUST, ALL, take-up the challenge of speaking-out (partially to make-up for these mistakes in the past and…) in order to bring to a halt this casual indignation of our religious beliefs!!
It’s a Blessing that ISfCC, and ReturnToOrder.org (the organization that sends me/sent the email that directed me to this site and this cause.
Maybe, I hope, many more Catholic believers will sign this protest since it doesn’t take any time at all and they SHOULD show their outrage instead of passing-up the chance to speak-out!
P.S. My above comment is concerning a protest on this web site, that I just signed, against the release of the blasphemous movie, Benedetta. Everyone should sign it!
Yes I will sign This protest. I love Jesus very much and people who ignore him are in for a big shock. Godbless you all
Apt and inspiring quotes. A good compilation.
Damien thank you for that. I think that people should maybe stand back and look at what they are doing, And come back to God.
A lot of young catcholics male and female get caught up in sexual temptation casual sex i did but have long left that behind marraige and children can change all this behaviour strong faith mass attendance the sacarments dress code from catcholic women can be a temptation sending out the wrong msq to young catcholic men vanity also wrong if we all hold fast to our faith we can overcome impurity.
Great Quotes indeed