Thank you!

Thank you for ordering The Rosary: Great Weapon of the 21st Century. It will be sent as soon as possible. 

The work of Irish Society for Christian Civilisation/Ireland Needs Fatima to promote the Faith and defend morality is immense. Already this year, our volunteers have made numerous home visits to people with the statue of Our Lady, prevented a pagan group from desecrating the shrine of St. Brigid in Faughart, Co. Louth and now we are organising 500 Rosary Rallies for May!

The devil is relentless in his efforts to destroy the Faith in Ireland but so is our determination to stop him. That is why I would like to invite you to become a member of Alliance with MaryWith your monthly donation, you will allow our volunteers to dedicate more of their time to promoting the message of Fatima and preserving the Catholic Faith in Ireland.  

I want to join Alliance with Mary

Your monthly contribution will help us organise: public square Rosary Rallies every year for the conversion of Ireland; take Our Lady’s Pilgrim Virgin statue into hundreds of homes to every corner of Ireland; promote the family recitation of the holy Rosary; make possible the massive distribution of religious items to needy souls nationwide; and pass on the Faith to young men who attend our yearly summer camp.

When you join, you will experience these spiritual joys:

1. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions each month.

2. The prayers of a cloistered convent and the daily Rosary of the Ireland Needs Fatima volunteers will be offered for your intentions.

3. You will participate in the prayers and merits of Ireland Needs Fatima front-line volunteers who oppose sacrilege  at rallies and prayer vigils.

I want to join Alliance with Mary

With Our Lady’s help and your support, we will fight and God will win. 

God bless,

Gregory Murphy