Dear Parents,
Are you thinking of sending your sons to a Catholic camp but can’t decide which one? At our Call to Chivalry Summer Camps, we seek to instil in your son a profound and solid love for his Faith, the Church, and Our Lady. We pray the Rosary every day and your sons hear about the great heroes and saints of the Church.
Of course, plenty of time is set aside for games and we play many unique games, including swordmanship.
In a society that is awash with immorality and sin, the Call to Chivalry summer camp aims to instil self-discipline, to educate youth on the beautiful truths of the Catholic Church, and to urge them to be positive elements in bringing the Reign of Christ and His Blessed Mother to society. To achieve these goals, we strive to maintain the highest standard of conduct and virtue at our camps.
If you have any questions or would like to request the registration papers, please fill out the form below or call 089 461 7935
Highlights of the camp include:
Treasure Hunt
Medieval swordmanship
Daily Rosary
Outings to castles, museums or other historical places
Medieval games and Medieval Banquet
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the 2025 Call to Chivalry Summer Camp?
Arrival day is July 7th and departure day is July 16th.
Where is the camp?
This year, our camp is being held in Co Waterford.
What is the age group?
The age group for our Call to Chivalry summer camps is from 13yrs to 18yrs.
This is a fathers and sons summer camp. Are the fathers required to attend?
The father is not required to attend but is invited. They may attend for the entire camp, for just a few days or not at all.
Why do we name our camps Call to Chivalry?
Chivalry is in essence the best of manliness. Chivalry encompasses all the virtues that a man is especially called to practice. They include – purity, honesty, justice and love of the Church. Many talks focus on individuals who embodied these virtues. We present real role models for boys to imitate – St. Louis IX of France, St. Ferdinand, Dom Pelayo in Spain.
Do many boys return for a second or third time?
Yes! Many boys do return for a second or even a third time.
Do you allow electronics?
No. Boys may bring a phone to call home, but even those phones are kept by the counsellors when not used.
How many years have you organised these camps?
We have been organising these camps since 2007.