On a Monday afternoon in the peaceful town of Athlone, a shout rang out “Ireland Should be Catholic, Not Socialist!”
The young men with Irish Society for Christian Civilisation were back in town defending the perennial principles of tradition, family, and property. The specific issue being brought to the public’s attention was the worrying advance of socialism in Ireland.
A Plague is Threatening Ireland
Over the last few years, a plague has been spreading through Ireland. Most people don’t know its name, but they see and feel its effects. High taxes, rising petrol and grocery prices, eroding property rights, and worst of all, corruption of children in schools.
This plague has a name: socialism. Socialism, a repackaged version of Communism, is a worldview of radical equality that seeks to level all natural inequalities.
Socialism has a materialist and atheistic worldview that despises and persecutes the traditional family and the Catholic faith.
Socialism is Attacking Family and Property Rights
In Ireland, socialism is destroying property rights and family rights. In recent weeks, socialist politicians have been pushing a bill known as the Right to Housing Bill 2020. If passed, the bill would recognize the “right to secure, affordable, dignified housing” and it will “delimit the right to private property where it is necessary to ensure the common good.” 1
In other words, this right to housing would trump any right to ownership of private property and could even lead to the loss of property.
An even more concerning socialist advance against families is in the education field.
Helen McEntee, the Fine Gael Justice Minister, introduced a new teaching strategy to deal with “gender-based violence.” The extremely immoral strategy, promoted by the Department of Education, encourages “crossdressing” for “erotic enjoyment,” and learning about “drag and “gender-fluid” identities. 2
Raising the Alarm
To alert the public to the danger of socialism, Irish Society For Christian Civilisation launched a week-long series of campaigns across the country.
From July 25-30 young volunteers crisscrossed the country visiting several cities including Dublin, Limerick, Galway City, Cork City, and Wexford Town.
Volunteers handed out over 10,000 leaflets titled “10 Reasons to Reject Socialism.” The leaflet unmasks the socialist ideology, showing how it attacks the Catholic faith, the family, and private property.
Throughout the week of campaigns, many people expressed surprise at the proposed Right to Housing Bill and the radicality of the socialist agenda.
What the Public Had to Say About Socialism
Support for the campaign against socialism was widespread. In Galway, a young dad pushing a pram received a leaflet and emphatically stated, “I hate socialism!”
In Cork City, there was a lot of support. A man, who already knew Irish Society for Christian Civilisation, asked, “Are you getting much opposition?” “No, a lot of people are accepting the leaflets,” a volunteer answered. “That’s good. Keep up the good work.”
In Galway, a man named Andy approached a volunteer and thanked him. “You’re the only ones doing this, and it’s such an important issue to talk about. People don’t realise there’s an underlying ideology pushing this, abortion, and all the other evils.”
There were, however, some people who were vehemently opposed to the campaign against socialism.
During the campaign in Cork City, a man dressed as a hippie accepted a leaflet. When the man realised it was anti-socialist, he spat on it and threw it on the ground.
One pro-socialist woman came by during a campaign in Limerick. “I embraced socialism,” she told a volunteer. The volunteer asked her, “So you agree socialism is the same as communism?” “Yes,” the woman said. “So do you agree with China and Russia?” the volunteer continued. The woman refused to answer and walked away.
The True Solution: Turning Back to God
The solution to Ireland’s problems is not to implement more socialist legislation, but for the nation to turn back to God. Ireland needs to embrace Christian Civilisation which Prof. Plinio Correa de Oliveira explained in this way:
“Therefore, man advances in the life of grace by the practice of virtue, at the same time he elaborates a culture — a political, social and economic order — in entire consonance with the basic and perennial principles of Natural Law. This is what we call Christian civilization.” 3
This ideal will only become a reality in Ireland when God, His Church, and His laws are at the centre of society.
Let us pray and act for the conversion of Ireland so that it may once again become the land of saints and scholars.
By Joseph Gensens
This year, it is more crucial than ever that we turn to prayer and intercession to increase devotion to Our Lady across our country. That’s why you’re invited to join us in the Three Hail Marys Pledge, a powerful devotion that can bring personal spiritual benefits and national transformation. By reciting three Hail Marys daily, you honour the Immaculate Heart of Mary and seek her intercession for the conversion of sinners, the salvation of souls and the restoration of Ireland’s Catholic Faith. This ancient devotion, revealed to Saint Mechtilde, promises spiritual benefits including protection from mortal sin and the assurance of a good death. Your daily prayers will contribute to an increase in devotion to Our Lady, the conversion of sinners and the moral renewal of our country. Let us commit to this powerful devotion and seek the guidance and protection of Our Lady.
Excellent. Keep up the good fight in the Emerald Isle.
Deo Gratias!
I admire, greatly, the work ye are doing for God.
Almighty God is our one & only savoir of IRELAND & the WHOLE WORLD.🙏🙏🙏
Stamp out Socialism
Hi those stories are biggest deceived about false socialism making yòu look true false promises l had been brainwashed but somehow l found out it was all false it belongs to devil working this is true when afterwards promises mean nothing at all … all were man made to destroy true religion is Roman Catholic… l was in overseas for years before came home
Well done in the campaign against socialism. Without the Catholic Church there would have been very little social care in this country.
To understand Socialism / Communism and the their inevitable outcomes, we need to listen to the Russians:
Dostoevsky had an earlier word on socialism: “Socialism is not only the labour question, it is before all things the atheist question, the question of the form the form that atheism takes today, the question of the ‘Tower of Babble’ built without God, not to mount from earth to heaven but to set up heaven on earth.”
Solzhenitsyn: “`Modern society is hypnotised by socialism. It is prevented by socialism from seeing the mortal danger it is in. And one of the greatest dangers of all is that you have lost all sense of danger, you cannot even see where it’s coming from as it moves swiftly towards you.
Dostoevsky allegedly predicted that socialism would cost 100 million lives: some say 40 million, some 60 million, Russian statistician Kurganov – 110 million. Best Wishes Bill Webster
Keep up the good work. Stamp out the devil
Anyone who thinks socialist/communist ideology works has never or pretends to not know that it always fails and cost innocent lives.. Stalin i believe killed as many if not more than Hitler for the communist ideology… i don’t condone killing of innocent people who don’t agree with an ideology.. weather it be racist, antichristian antisemitic or something against their political views but it will happen or they will be imprisoned without any fair justification. Socialist communist ideology has no place for Religion or God and must be obliterated wherever it tries to rear it’s demonic head!
Please use “need” instead of the insipid, meaningless “should”.
Thank you.
Our Blessed Mother revealed to someone (who I can’t remember) — saint, mystic, visionary — that the most efficacious way to reduce the punishment due for sin in our time is PUBLIC PROCESSIONS AND PRAYER because the sins of the world today are so public. In every city around the world, we should have regular processions that will involve hundreds or thousands under the skies of Heaven pouring out our pleas, offering repentence, and asking the mercy of God to spare our cities from evil and protection for our country
In Louisville, KY, for 3 years on the First Saturday of each month, (in the late 1980’s), faithful Catholics gathered on the sidewalk outside our Cathedral to pray for the Latin Mass in one church of the archdiocese every Sunday. Part of the program of prayer was a prayer for our city: “that the blood of our people will not be required to satisfy the Divine wrath due for the numberless sins committed in our city and all the cities of the world.” We started this on the First Saturday of October and promised God that we would return for 3 vigils of thanksgiving after the Mass was granted. As God so often works in 3’s, our last vigil of thanksgiving was exactly 3 years from the week we started. Despite our archbishop and clergy being extremely opposed to our request, not only did we get one Mass, we now have 5 in and throughout the area of the Archdiocese. But an amazing thing has happened as well in that all predicted storms, a hurricane, floods, earthquake, and tornado has skirted our city to the present day and gone all around Louisville for all these many years since we had this public prayer reaching out to the Heavens and the God Who loves us. God is waiting and all of the earth groans under the weight of the suffering that is coming if we do not show public repentence, petitions, thanks, and honor to God. May God send us the leaders to get this started.
Great prayers for all mankind so please ask all bishops about most important prayers for the conversion of Russia and all the rest … never mind about the past due to make mistakes