Hit & Shoved: TFP Face down Antifa and Defend Children from Transvestite Indoctrination

This year, it is more crucial than ever that we turn to prayer and intercession to increase devotion to Our Lady across our country. That’s why you’re invited to join us in the Three Hail Marys Pledge, a powerful devotion that can bring personal spiritual benefits and national transformation. By reciting three Hail Marys daily, you honour the Immaculate Heart of Mary and seek her intercession for the conversion of sinners, the salvation of souls and the restoration of Ireland’s Catholic Faith. This ancient devotion, revealed to Saint Mechtilde, promises spiritual benefits including protection from mortal sin and the assurance of a good death. Your daily prayers will contribute to an increase in devotion to Our Lady, the conversion of sinners and the moral renewal of our country. Let us commit to this powerful devotion and seek the guidance and protection of Our Lady.

Sign the Three Hail Mary Pledge

When in the summer of 2018, Civitas Christiana / TFP in the Netherlands heard that a Drag Queen Story Hour was to be held in Nijmegen, they knew that action must be taken. Three volunteers braved the streets to hand out literature to warn the public about the event.

What is a Drag Queen Story Hour?

What is a “Drag Queen Story Hour?” DQSH, for short, is an event usually held at a public facility such as a public library. A man dressed as a woman reads storybooks, usually with an LGBTQ theme, of young children as young as two years of age. As unbelievable as it sounds, these events are indoctrinating children to see deviant lifestyles as normal.

This is not a gradual process. The Drag Queen Story Hour seeks to advance the acceptance of unnatural, aberrant and gravely sinful behaviour in a single bound. According to drag queen Dylan Pontiff, this initiative aims to change the attitudes of young children.

“This is going to be the grooming of the next generation. We are trying to groom the next generation” Pontiff said. In other words, this is not an incremental step, but a big lurch forward toward forcing the acceptance of the morally unacceptable.

One of the most egregious aspects of these events is their deliberate corruption of children. Words cannot describe how horrible it is that parents would take their young children to such an event or that a library would allow such an event to take place.

Paedophiles and Homosexuals reading to three year olds.

Mass Resistance found that some of the drag queens in the United States have been found guilty of paedophilia. As one drag queen said in a council hearing in the United States, “This is going to be the grooming of the next generation.” It is also a well known fact that some of the transvestites speaking at these Drag Queen Story Hours are homosexuals.


So when Civitas Christiana / TFP heard that there was a Drag Queen Story Hour scheduled in Nijmegen, they knew that something must be done. They prepared leaflets warning the public of the event and braced themselves for the upcoming confrontation.

The confrontation was worse than they expected. Antifa showed up. Antifa is a Socialist and anti-Catholic group of agitators. Soon, they were ripping leaflets out of the TFP members’ hands, and preventing them from distributing their peaceful and legal leaflet.

Antifa got physical, however. Mr Hugo Bos got dragged to the ground by three others, while a cyclist tried to flip the TFP standard. At this point there was nothing for it, but to defend themselves.

Catholics will stand up to the Homosexual and Transgender lobby!

Events like these are the logical outcome of moral relativism, already so prevalent in Ireland and Europe. Two sayings that encapsulate this relativism come to mind, “anything goes” and, “it is forbidden to forbid.”Once revolutionary slogans like these are the norm, there is no end in sight as to how low society will go in seeking out aberrations and forbidden sin. It would lead to a situation that people would not be shocked if Satan were to appear at a “Drag Queen Story Hour.,” Indeed, one of these drag queens appears with garish face paint and several horns inexplicably coming out of his head. Is this not a preparation? Wouldn’t children, who see this type of thing, feel more natural around other disgusting manifestations?

God established His Commandments for man’s moral, spiritual and physical safety. Thus, avoiding evil and danger must be considered a great good. Preventing others from harming themselves or others is also a good.

That is why the faithful must oppose public vice that challenges God’s authority wherever it appears! Hold leaders accountable! Don’t accept the lie of unrestrained free speech since all must be free to use speech to defend the good and denounce evil. Those who uphold God’s laws and defend the innocence of children will be blessed by God and, by such good acts, they may once again call His grace upon Ireland and Europe.

Catholics will stand up to the Homosexual and Transgender lobby!

Events like these are the logical outcome of moral relativism, already so prevalent in Ireland and Europe. Two sayings that encapsulate this relativism come to mind, “anything goes” and, “it is forbidden to forbid.”Once revolutionary slogans like these are the norm, there is no end in sight as to how low society will go in seeking out aberrations and forbidden sin. It would lead to a situation that people would not be shocked if Satan were to appear at a “Drag Queen Story Hour.,” Indeed, one of these drag queens appears with garish face paint and several horns inexplicably coming out of his head. Is this not a preparation? Wouldn’t children, who see this type of thing, feel more natural around other disgusting manifestations?

God established His Commandments for man’s moral, spiritual and physical safety. Thus, avoiding evil and danger must be considered a great good. Preventing others from harming themselves or others is also a good.

That is why the faithful must oppose public vice that challenges God’s authority wherever it appears! Hold leaders accountable! Don’t accept the lie of unrestrained free speech since all must be free to use speech to defend the good and denounce evil. Those who uphold God’s laws and defend the innocence of children will be blessed by God and, by such good acts, they may once again call His grace upon Ireland and Europe.

Taking a Principled not a Personal Stand

In writing this article and publishing the video, we have no intention to defame or disparage anyone. We are not moved by personal hatred against any individual. In intellectually opposing individuals or organizations promoting the homosexual agenda, our only intent is the defence of traditional marriage, the family, and the precious remnants of Christian civilization.

As practising Catholics, we are filled with compassion and pray for those who struggle against the unrelenting and violent temptation to homosexual sin. We pray for those who fall into homosexual sin out of human weakness, that God may assist them with His grace.

We are conscious of the enormous difference between these individuals who struggle with their weakness and strive to overcome it and others who transform their sin into a reason for pride and try to impose their lifestyle on society as a whole, in flagrant opposition to traditional Christian morality and natural law. However, we pray for these too.

We pray also for the judges, legislators and government officials who in one way or another take steps that favour homosexuality and same-sex “marriage.” We do not judge their intentions, interior dispositions, or personal motivations.

We reject and condemn any violence. We simply exercise our liberty as children of God (Rom. 8:21) and our constitutional rights to free speech and the candid, unapologetic and unashamed public display of our Catholic faith. We oppose arguments with arguments. To the arguments in favour of homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” we respond with arguments based on right reason, natural law and Divine Revelation.

In a polemical statement like this, it is possible that one or another formulation may be perceived as excessive or ironic. Such is not our intention.

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