Our spiritual life is the life of grace within us; through it we become children of God. For our spiritual life to be preserved and to develop, a series of actions are required that constitute the life of piety. How must that life of piety be? What deviations must be avoided? These are the problems...
The Catholic calendar reads: Saint Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Host fought the rebel angels in the heavenly battle. He continues to lead the battle to free us from the devil. Our guardian angels depend on him. He is the custodian angel of the Church and the one who presents the Eucharistic Oblation to the...
In 1917, in Fatima, Our Lady entrusted three Portuguese children with a message that opened horizons of tragedy but also of a sweet hope contained in the promise of the triumph of her Immaculate Heart. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira discovered the message of Fatima only many years later, finding in it the echo of the...