
Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Holy Face Devotion: A Devotion for our Times

By Norman Fulkerson As Our Lord made His way up Calvary, a touching scene occurred with an unknown woman. She was powerless to stop the injustice and offered her veil as a sign of compassion. Our Lord gratefully accepted it to wipe His bruised and bloody face. The face of the Saviour was miraculously stamped on her...

The Holy Shroud: A Twenty-First Century Gospel

By Julio Loredo The Holy Shroud of Turin confirms the terrible punishments inflicted on Our Lord Jesus Christ during the Passion with such extraordinary precision that it has even been called the “Fifth Gospel.” Meditating on the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, especially during Lent, has always been an occasion of great...

Lessons from a Eucharistic Miracle in Seefeld, Austria

At first glance, the tiny Austrian village of Seefeld, today home to little more than 3,000 people, would hardly seem to be the site of a spectacular Eucharistic miracle over 600 years ago. On March 25, 1384, which was simultaneously Holy Thursday and the Feast of the Annunciation, the knight Oswald Müsler attended Holy Mass in...

Meditation Next to the Child God in the Crib

Approach the crib of the Child God with me. Let us imagine the arrival of the Magi Kings at the manger, after having followed the Star of Bethlehem with their caravans and treasure-laden animals. These sovereigns—King Balthazar, King Melchior and King Gaspar—offer the Child Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh, in adoration. Looking at the God...

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

With great clarity the Gospels show us how much our Divine Saviour in His mercy pities our pains of body and soul. We need only to recall the awesome miracles He performed in His omnipotence in order to mitigate these pains. But let us never make the mistake of imagining that this combat against pain...

The Sacred Heart – Bridge & Refuge

The world has sadly turned away from God and it has become in many respects a ferocious river taking with it all that it can engulf and destroy within its torrential waters.