
Forgotten Truths

How to Celebrate Halloween Like a Catholic

First, go to Mass. It is on the eve of a holy day of obligation and Mass can prepare us to celebrate the feasts that follow as originally intended. Remember Halloween was originally a cycle of holy days that went from the eve of All Saints Day to All Souls Day. Second is to pray...

Are Protests Against Blasphemy Effective?

“Accept that you are not going to win. There is no win in such a controversy. You’re just going to survive. Those are the facts. It’s not pretty, but those are the facts.”* Such was the counsel of journalist Hollis Walker to museum directors and curators regarding protests against blasphemous art. Her comments run quite...

Halloween: A Catholic Feast Becomes Grotesque

“Halloween really is evil” stated the International Association of Exorcists in their Vatican meeting. “Many say Halloween is a simple carnival, but in fact there is nothing innocent or fun about it – it is the antechamber to something much more dangerous.”[1] Origins of Halloween Halloween’s innocent origins can be found in a more Catholic...

Tolerance, a Dangerous Virtue

Written in 1957, this article reflects on the discussion of issues of his time. In a previous article, we established that tolerance, as well as its antithesis, intolerance, cannot be thought of as either intrinsically good or bad. In other words, there are cases in which tolerance is a duty and intolerance is an evil....

Faith Brings Harmony to Family, Society and State

I believe that the patriarchal society, like everything that exists in this valley of tears, becomes stronger over time, in proportion to its existence and production. However, at the same time, it grows older and older. Both institutions and families age. And, gradually, glory itself becomes a burden under which these institutions, just as individuals,...

Solemnity of All Souls

The “Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed” is founded upon the Catholic Church’s doctrine that those faithful who have not been cleansed from the temporal punishment due to sin and from their attachment to sin cannot enjoy the Beatific Vision in heaven immediately upon their death and that they may be assisted by the prayers,...

Well-Prepared Dishes, A Recipe for Charity

Well-Prepared Dishes, A Recipe for Charity Nowadays we so often hear: “Home Cooking?! How old-fashioned! Gone are the days sweating over the stove preparing nice dishes. Ready-made meals are a must! Time is precious.” There is a widespread notion that carefully prepared dishes with special recipes and ingredients are a waste of time. This idea...

Humility Is Compatible with the Rich Dress of One’s Office

Saint Francis of Sales, the bishop of Geneva, while on a journey during Lent, went to a church that was attached to the monastery of Capuchin friars. He arrived at sermon time; the preacher had taken ostentation in dress as his sermon’s theme and was inveighing vehemently against prelates and ecclesiastical dignitaries who, instead of...

10 Reasons Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful and Must be Opposed

1. It Is Not Marriage Calling something marriage does not make it marriage. Marriage has always been a covenant between a man and a woman which is by its nature ordered toward the procreation and education of children and the unity and wellbeing of the spouses. The promoters of same-sex “marriage” propose something entirely different....

How Do We Build an Organic Society?

Upon describing organic society, questions remain as to how we might build such a society. The answer is quite simple. We must do it in the same manner as our ancestors did at the dawn of this civilisation. We must understand, as they understood, that it is not enough that we follow the Ten Commandments...
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