

Crisis of the Family: The Synod and Europe

The Sacrament of Marriage is under vicious attack here in Ireland. We are organising two talks dealing with the Crisis of the Family in Europe and at the Synod. Please try to make it for this presentation on such a crucial subject. In Cork on Tuesday evening – SMA Hall, Wilton, Cork City, 7.30 pm...

10 Reasons to Defend the Traditional Family

In light of the attacks on the Traditional Family in Ireland and the rest of the World, we would like to share with you a new video that our sister organisation in the United States has just launched. It lists ten reasons why marriage can only be between one man and one woman. Please watch...

Archbishop Lenga Opposes Current Crisis in the Church

His Excellency Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga, bishop emeritus of Karaganda, Kazakhstan, has written an open letter to Pope Francis in which he laments; “the greatest disorder concerning the purity of the doctrine and the sacredness of the liturgy, in which Jesus Christ is not paid the visible honour which he is due.” Please read the...

Filial Appeal Petition – News and Video

See below our new video promoting the petition campaign. Please watch, sign and then send on to others “Several cardinals and archbishops, numerous academics, and even an African king are joining an alliance of conservative, pro-family Catholic groups in a petition campaign asking Pope Francis to “clarify the growing confusion among the faithful” about the...

Sign the Filial Appeal to His Holiness Pope Francis – Defend the Family

In view of the Synod on the family to be held in October 2015 in Rome, a group of concerned lay Catholic leaders and pro-family organisations, including Irish Society for Christian Civilisation, gathered to address a filial appeal to Pope Francis asking him to reaffirm categorically the Catholic teaching that divorced and civilly remarried Catholics...
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