

Hit & Shoved: TFP Face down Antifa and Defend Children from Transvestite Indoctrination

When in the summer of 2018, Civitas Christiana / TFP in the Netherlands heard that a Drag Queen Story Hour was to be held in Nijmegen, they knew that action must be taken.

Volunteers Travel Around Ireland Upholding the Right to Life

From Friday the 23rd of July 2021, eleven volunteers of Irish Society for Christian Civilisation (ISFCC) distributed 12,000 pro-life leaflets

Ballyfermot: Why Irish Catholics Must Stand Up to the LGBT Mafia

By Ciaran Brennan Dublin Catholics successfully mobilised last week to call a halt to the flying of the Pride flag outsidethe Church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Ballyfermot. Significant controversy was generatedamong the faithful following the raising of the flag earlier by the parish council, a move subsequentlydefended by Fr Aidan Egan at...

An Epic Campaign for St. Patrick

From 7th-17th March, volunteers of Irish Society for Christian Civilisation launched an epic leafleting campaign

Rosary Brings Even RTÉ to its Knees!

Rosary Rally against RTE's blasphemous portrayal of God as a rapist in their New Year’s Eve Countdown Show

The Most Monumental Social Engineering & Ideological Transshipment Effort in History

If the Guinness Book of Records were to track the most senseless attitude possible, the award would probably go to someone who committed suicide for fear of dying. With the coronavirus epidemic, that is what the world is doing. It is playing out on the social scale, the very same chain reaction the SARS-CoV-2 virus(*)...

Young Men Discover What Chivalry Is

Irish Society for Christian Civilisation held its annual Call to Chivalry Summer Camp throughout the second week of July, 2019. The Call to Chivalry Camps for young men between 12-18 aim to instil in each of the participants manly virtues of courage, purity, Catholic militancy, etiquette and a love of our Catholic Faith. While immorality,...

Abortion May Be Legalised but Pro-Lifers Are Alive & Kicking

From 19-26 July, nine volunteers of Irish Society for Christian Civilisation – ISFCC distributed 7,400 leaflets entitled 7 Reasons to Reject Abortion in nineteen towns and cities including Cavan, Dublin, Tullamore, Waterford, Cork, Tralee, Limerick and Kilkenny. Many smaller towns were also visited during the eight day caravan. In these smaller towns, caravan members would...

Are Protests Against Blasphemy Effective?

“Accept that you are not going to win. There is no win in such a controversy. You’re just going to survive. Those are the facts. It’s not pretty, but those are the facts.”* Such was the counsel of journalist Hollis Walker to museum directors and curators regarding protests against blasphemous art. Her comments run quite...

2018 Call to Chivalry Summer Camp

This year’s summer camp (2nd-9th July) for young men was a great success. The camp was held at Glencomeragh House, Co. Waterford. The location afforded the possibility of visiting Cahir Castle, Holy Cross Abbey – named after a relic of the True Cross residing in the church – and the Rock of Cashel. Everyday, new...
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