
With great clarity the Gospels show us how much our Divine Saviour in His mercy pities our pains of body and soul. We need only to recall the awesome miracles He performed in His omnipotence in order to mitigate these pains. But let us never...
In 1974, I had the honour of being the first to sign a declaration published in a number of the main Brazilian dailies and reproduced in almost all the nations where the then eleven TFPs existed. Its title was The Vatican Policy of Détente with...
Hear the incredible story of Col. John Ripley, a model Catholic and Heroic Soldier. What is the key to the future of the Faith in Ireland: A return to Catholic Heroism. Talk by Mr Norman FulkersonAuthor of The American Knight Locations: Sat, 13th August, 17.30...
“The camp offered a unique opportunity to acquaint myself with other Catholic boys as well as learn some of the truths of the Catholic faith that are so often forgotten. Namely, that the Catholic faith is manly, and also that bring part of the Church...
“Thou shalt not commit adultery.” (Exod. 20:14) “Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and the one who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.” (Luke 16:18) Since the family is the basic cell of society, when it is in...
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