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By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira The word family indicates a plurality of persons. There is another word, one of special significance, that indicates just one person: Mother. A mother is the quintessence of a family, for she is the quintessence of love, the quintessence of affection and therefore, the quintessence...
By Plinio Correa de Oliviera At Lourdes, Divine Providence takes two different attitudes towards human suffering. The first is more sensational and thus catches our attention more. It is when Our Lady, as a compassionate mother, heals the sick and lame and thus proves the veracity of the Faith. This,...
by Luis Solimeo Amid the worst crisis in the Church’s history, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published the December 18 Declaration Fiducia Supplicans (FS), authorising priests to bless adulterous and homosexual relationships. There followed a Clarification confirming what the declaration said. Both statements favour adulterous couples and homosexual pairs at a time when civil...
by John Horvat A clash of monumental proportions seems likely as the post-war liberal order breaks down. This could happen if the present flashpoints in Ukraine, Israel, North Korea, and Taiwan expand and involve the major powers and their spheres of influence. Thus, many analysts rightly frame America’s involvement in today’s...
It is well known that Padre Pio had encounters with angels throughout his life. Through these encounters he came to know a great deal about their powers and their role in our lives: “to light, to guard, to rule, to guide.” In a letter he wrote on July 15, 1913,...
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