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Ss Perpetua & Felicity Martyrs Feast Day March 7th Perpetua and Felicity young mothers were two noble matrons who suffered martyrdom in Carthage in 202A.D. They were condemned with a number of Christian slaves to the wild beasts and died finally by the sword. “‘Do you see this vessel, water...
11 support for radical egalitarian feminism and harmful social causes like Planned Parenthood, abortion, and same-sex “marriage”.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is arguably the most studied representation of the Mother of God in the world.
I believe that the patriarchal society, like everything that exists in this valley of tears, becomes stronger over time, in proportion to its existence and production. However, at the same time, it grows older and older. Both institutions and families age. And, gradually, glory itself becomes a burden under which...
The Church recognises the special graces and Divine lights they receive and honour them with the title Doctor of the Church. St. Peter Damian was one such person who was recognised.
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