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By Filip P. Recently, launched an attack on Most Reverend Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan of the Diocese of Waterford and Lismore [1]. Their issue with Bishop Cullinan is twofold: the Bishop’s various “controversial” opinions and the hosting of certain “fringe” groups in the Diocese [1] such as Irish Society for Christian...
By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Saint Bernard overcoming a demon. Saint Bernard was a Cistercian monk. He founded a religious Order that was a branch of the Order of Saint Benedict, destined to practice greater austerity and have a tougher life than required by the toughest rules of the monks of...
By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira What Is Culture? People answer this question in many different ways. Some are inspired by philology, others by all kinds of philosophical and social systems. So many contradictions have arisen around defining culture, and the related word “civilisation” gives rise to so many contradictions that international...
Day 1 A PLEA FOR REPARATION “Do you wish to offer yourselves to God to endure all the sufferings that He may be pleased to send you, as both an act of reparation for the sins with which He is offended and an act of supplication for the conversion of...
Below is an adapted version a leaflet volunteers of Irish Society for Christian Civilisation distributed to 5,000 households in Trim and the surrounding area. What is the Púca Festival? It is a festival, aimed at promoting Ireland as the birthplace of Halloween on an international level, taking place from October...
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