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By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira How the Immaculate Conception Can Help Us Understand the Crisis in the Church There is a kind of interchangeability between the attributes of Our Lady and the Catholic Church. The things that are said of Our Lady, in their own way, can be said of the...
By Damien Murphy Though the Miraculous Medal was given to Saint Catherine Laboure in 1830, Our Lady continues to give immense graces through it in our times. A True Story A few years ago, a Brazilian cleaning lady in the large city of São Paulo told the story of her son’s...
By Damien Murphy The Puca Festival took place from Thursday 31st October to Sunday 3rd November 2024 and is a festival which promotes Irish pagan gods and pagan “traditions”. As such, the festival is a threat to the True Catholic Faith and the Christian culture of Ireland. This year, the festival...
By Alberto & Joanna Gomez Recently, we had the honour of participating in a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima, in Portugal, assisting Ireland Needs Fátima to deliver roses and petitions to Our Lady. This journey was not just a personal spiritual endeavour but a collective effort to...
By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Saint John Fisher Teach Us to Have Vigilance and Serenity in the Face of Death On June 22, the Church celebrates the memory of Saint John Fisher and Saint Thomas More, both martyred in England for refusing to join Henry VIII’s revolt against the Papacy. “Let...
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