“Thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her” (Matt. 16:18). To this first promise, Our Lord added a second: “Heaven and...
A poor housewife, suffering from her husband’s constant infidelity, decided to consult a Jewish sorceress. The witch promised that her husband would again love her like before, but under the condition that the housewife pay...
This year’s summer camp (2nd-9th July) for young men was a great success. The camp was held at Glencomeragh House, Co. Waterford. The location afforded the possibility of visiting Cahir Castle, Holy Cross Abbey –...
“The Rev. James Martin is a Roman Catholic rock star.”That is how his admirer Frank Bruni1 described him, in a February 3, 2018 Op-Ed in The New York Times.2 He continued: “His books, including one...
Irish Society for Christian Civilisation was privileged to be invited to participate in the annual parade to celebrate the life and virtues of St. Oliver Plunkett, bishop and martyr. The parade took place in Drogheda...