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By Gregory Jones, summer camp participant “Youth was not made for pleasure but for heroism.” This was one of the many slogans taught to us at 2022 Call to Chivalry camp in Ireland. The camp...
Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, You have destroyed the power of death and given the hope of eternal life for body and soul. You granted your Mother a special place in your glory, and did not...
On a Monday afternoon in the peaceful town of Athlone, a shout rang out “Ireland Should be Catholic, Not Socialist!” The young men with Irish Society for Christian Civilisation were back in town defending the...
By Karol Connor “Roe vs. Wade is overturned, Pro-life Ireland it’s your turn!” This and other chants could be heard through the streets of Dublin on Saturday, July 2nd as thousands of enthusiastic pro-lifers took...
Nine Day Novena First Day O Beautiful Flower of Carmel, most fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, holy and singular, who brought forth the Son of God, still ever remaining a pure virgin, assist us in...
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