

Two Portrayals of Motherhood, Natural & Supernatural

Our Lady of Guadalupe is arguably the most studied representation of the Mother of God in the world.

Faith Brings Harmony to Family, Society and State

I believe that the patriarchal society, like everything that exists in this valley of tears, becomes stronger over time, in proportion to its existence and production. However, at the same time, it grows older and older. Both institutions and families age. And, gradually, glory itself becomes a burden under which these institutions, just as individuals,...

St. Peter Damian, Cardinal Bishop & Doctor of the Church

The Church recognises the special graces and Divine lights they receive and honour them with the title Doctor of the Church. St. Peter Damian was one such person who was recognised.

Saint Claude de la Colombière

Early Life Saint Claude was a Missionary and ascetical writer, born of noble parentage at Saint-Symphorien-d’Ozon, between Lyons and Vienne, in 1641; died at Paray-le-Monial, 15 February, 1682. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1659. On February 2, 1675, in Lyons, France, following a thirty-day retreat, Saint Claude made his solemn vows, as a...

St Valentine of Rome

The secular and marketing world has perverted the Love of the Martyr Valentine to sell cards, flowers etc. St Valentine loved God.

Meditation Next to the Child God in the Crib

Approach the crib of the Child God with me. Let us imagine the arrival of the Magi Kings at the manger, after having followed the Star of Bethlehem with their caravans and treasure-laden animals. These sovereigns—King Balthazar, King Melchior and King Gaspar—offer the Child Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh, in adoration. Looking at the God...

Solemnity of All Souls

The “Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed” is founded upon the Catholic Church’s doctrine that those faithful who have not been cleansed from the temporal punishment due to sin and from their attachment to sin cannot enjoy the Beatific Vision in heaven immediately upon their death and that they may be assisted by the prayers,...

Well-Prepared Dishes, A Recipe for Charity

Well-Prepared Dishes, A Recipe for Charity Nowadays we so often hear: “Home Cooking?! How old-fashioned! Gone are the days sweating over the stove preparing nice dishes. Ready-made meals are a must! Time is precious.” There is a widespread notion that carefully prepared dishes with special recipes and ingredients are a waste of time. This idea...

False Pieties

Our spiritual life is the life of grace within us; through it we become children of God. For our spiritual life to be preserved and to develop, a series of actions are required that constitute the life of piety. How must that life of piety be? What deviations must be avoided? These are the problems...

Saint José Luis Sánchez del Río: Hero for Christ the King

Our young saint lived in tumultuous times. The socialist government of Mexico was waging a bloody war against the Catholic Church, and fervent Catholics known as the Cristeros rose up to defend Christ the King. Their heroic resistance, La Cristiada, began in 1926. Background The Mexican constitution of 1917—socialist at its core—sparked this terrible conflict....
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