

26 Quotes by St. Therese of Lisieux

"[Jesus] does not call those who are worthy, but those He chooses to call."

Novena to Our Lady of Hope

Let Us Pray: O God, Who by the marvellous protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary has strengthened us firmly in hope, grant we beseech Thee, that by persevering in prayer at her admonition, we may obtain the favours we devoutly implore. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen

The Three Falls of Our Lord and the Three Degrees of Tiredness

There are stages in the spiritual life of every man, where he must carry his cross. Moreover, at times Our Lord calls man not only to accept what befalls him, but also to seek out what is terrible, tragic and apocalyptic and advance towards it. Only then, is he ready to go where Our Lord...

10 Tips for Better New Year Resolutions

1. Be honest. Know yourself. What is your strongest virtue? What is your worst vice? Therefore, tailor your resolution so it strengthens your good side and fights your bad one. A one-size fits all resolution is useless.

Christmas Novena

Day 1 O Great Son of God, you have become man in order to make yourself loved by men. But where is the love that men give you in return? You have given your life blood to save our souls.

Three Reasons the Church’s Enemies Hate the Immaculate Conception

I neglect my talents Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and...

Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

The First Apparition During the night of July 18-19, 1830, the Most Holy Virgin appeared for the first time to Saint Catherine Labouré, who had been awakened and led from the dormitory to the chapel by her guardian angel.

15 Promises to Those Who Pray the Rosary

1. Whosoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary shall receive signal graces.

How to Celebrate Halloween Like a Catholic

First, go to Mass. It is on the eve of a holy day of obligation and Mass can prepare us to celebrate the feasts that follow as originally intended. Remember Halloween was originally a cycle of holy days that went from the eve of All Saints Day to All Souls Day. Second is to pray...

Why is Saturday Dedicated to Our Lady?

According to the habits of Catholic piety, Friday is dedicated to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This fact is very explicable because He died on a Friday. Sunday is dedicated to the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. That is also explicable: He resurrected on a Sunday. Between Friday and Sunday there is...
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