

News Release: Irish Catholics to Unite in World’s Largest Rosary Rally Crusade

By Irish Society for Christian Civilisation Swords, Co. Dublin, March 19, 2025: On May 10, thousands of Catholics across Ireland will gather in their local communities to participate in Rosary Rallies as part of the world’s largest Rosary Rally Crusade. The initiative is sponsored by Ireland Needs Fatima, a campaign of the Irish Society for Christian Civilisation,...

Saint Joseph’s Eminent Sanctity and His Patronage in the Difficulties of the Present Times

By Gustavo Solimeo Saint Joseph: the Greatest of the Saints After Our Lady “The opinion that Saint Joseph is the greatest of the saints after Our Lady is one which is becoming daily more commonly held in the Church,” writes the renowned French theologian, Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange (1877–1964). He further holds, that, “We do not...

The Holy Face Devotion: A Devotion for our Times

By Norman Fulkerson As Our Lord made His way up Calvary, a touching scene occurred with an unknown woman. She was powerless to stop the injustice and offered her veil as a sign of compassion. Our Lord gratefully accepted it to wipe His bruised and bloody face. The face of the Saviour was miraculously stamped on her...

John Traynor’s Miraculous Cure in Lourdes Finally Confirmed

By Plinio Maria Solimeo On December 8, 2024, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon of Liverpool (England) reported the miraculous healing of John Traynor, a sailor in the British Royal Navy, on the 81st anniversary of his death. His was the 71st miracle approved at Lourdes. In 2023, Dr. Alessandro de Franciscis...

Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes

Preliminary Prayer to be said each day: Be blessed, O most pure Virgin, for having vouchsafed to manifest yourself shining with life, sweetness and beauty, in the Grotto of Lourdes, saying to the child, St. Bernadette: “I am the Immaculate Conception.” A thousand times we congratulate you upon your Immaculate Conception. And now, O ever...

A Lesson From the Early Education of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira A Lesson From the Early Education of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga The biographical notes about Saint Aloysius Gonzaga are as follows: “Saint Aloysius Gonzaga (1568-1591) was the eldest son of Ferdinand, Marquis of Castiglione. Coupled with his precocious piety, he also displayed the bellicose bubbling of his ancestral blood. The Marquis gave him...

How the Immaculate Conception Can Help Us Understand the Crisis in the Church

By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira How the Immaculate Conception Can Help Us Understand the Crisis in the Church There is a kind of interchangeability between the attributes of Our Lady and the Catholic Church. The things that are said of Our Lady, in their own way, can be said of the Catholic Church. Thus, when reciting...

Eleven Floors Up… And One Miraculous Medal

By Damien Murphy Though the Miraculous Medal was given to Saint Catherine Laboure in 1830, Our Lady continues to give immense graces through it in our times. A True Story A few years ago, a Brazilian cleaning lady in the large city of São Paulo told the story of her son’s conversion. Saddened by her son’s...

David vs. Goliath: The Irish TFP Fights Back Against Paganism and the Puca Festival

By Damien Murphy The Puca Festival took place from Thursday 31st October to Sunday 3rd November 2024 and is a festival which promotes Irish pagan gods and pagan “traditions”. As such, the festival is a threat to the True Catholic Faith and the Christian culture of Ireland. This year, the festival faced its greatest opposition so...

Roses and Petitions for Our Lady – Our Pilgrimage to Fátima

By Alberto & Joanna Gomez Recently, we had the honour of participating in a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima, in Portugal, assisting Ireland Needs Fátima to deliver roses and petitions to Our Lady. This journey was not just a personal spiritual endeavour but a collective effort to support a cause close to...
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