Your personal data will be processed by Irish Society for Christian Civilisation (ISFCC), a registered charity: ... Read more
Yes! A huge one! Your monthly gift will directly advance our spiritual crusade to conquer the heart and soul of Ireland for Mary and help us…
🙏 Organise public square Rosary Rallies every year for the conversion of Ireland.
🙏 Take Our Lady’s Pilgrim Virgin statue into hundreds of homes to every corner of Ireland.
🙏 Promote the family recitation of the holy Rosary and the massive distribution of religious items to needy souls nationwide.
🙏 Pass on the Faith to young men who attend our yearly summer camp.
⚜️ 12 special Christmas Masses for your most urgent intentions during this 2024 Christmas season
⚜️ The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions each month.
⚜️ The prayers of a cloistered convent will be offered for your intentions and the daily rosary of our volunteers.
⚜️ You will receive an A4 picture of the Sacred Heart and five badges;
⚜️ A Fatima Calendar yearly;
⚜️ And a Sterling Silver Miraculous Medal (with donations of €21 or more).