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A Defence of Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan and the Call to Chivalry Summer Camp Against the Recent Slander by TheJournal.ie

By Filip P.

Recently, TheJournal.ie launched an attack on Most Reverend Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan of the Diocese of Waterford and Lismore [1]. Their issue with Bishop Cullinan is twofold: the Bishop’s various “controversial” opinions and the hosting of certain “fringe” groups in the Diocese [1] such as Irish Society for Christian Civilisation (ISFCC). As a young member of Bishop Cullinan’s diocese and as a former Call to Chivalry Summer Camp participant, I would like to point out the glaring inaccuracies and untruths about Bishop Cullinan and ISFCC.

On the first issue, TheJournal.ie lists some of the “controversies” of Bishop Cullinan [1]. Among them, Bishop Cullinan’s opposition to “the teaching of yoga and mindfulness in schools” [1].Both of these practices are contrary the First Commandment, as we know from the Psalmist, omnes dii gentium daemonia. By warning against these practices, Bishop Cullinan exercises his duty in protecting the faithful from displeasing God and breaking His Commandments, something that should not be deemed as “controversial.” As Our Lord Jesus Christ said, Si diligitis me, mandata mea servate (If you love me, keep my commandments).

TheJournal.ie then mentions Bishop Cullinan’s concern that “the HPV vaccine for cervical cancer could lead to promiscuity” [1]. In this case, similarly, Bishop Cullinan rightfully exercised his duty in protecting the faithful, especially the youth, from potentially sinning against the Sixth and Ninth Commandment of God. Beati mundo corde: quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt (Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God).

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The last of Bishop Cullinan’s “controversies” listed is “planning a talk by a controversial US preacher who promoted chastitity and warned “contraceptive sex between heterosexuals” is disordered” [1]. Even though the quotation about contraception is not the Bishop’s, it is evidently clear that the Bishop’s endorsement of this statement sparked the criticism and “controversy.” Yet, this statement is nothing more than an echo of the Church’s perennial Magisterium [2].

In regards to the “fringe” groups hosted in the diocese, the article mainly targets Catholic Unscripted and Irish Society for Christian Civilisation.

But before addressing the slander about ISFCC , I would like to point out certain details worthy of consideration in TheJournal.ie’s article.

As part of their smearing campaign, they repeatedly quote Fr. Tony Flannery, who is a suspended Redemptorist [3]. Interestingly, TheJournal.ie does not mention his suspension. TheJournal.ie’s article also extensively quotes from the “Institute for Strategic Dialogue,” which is a leftist propaganda tool. In 2021, they complemented the TFP, considered the umbrella organisation of ISFCC, as playing “a key role in the global network working against sexual and reproductive health rights” [4].

Plinio Correa de Oliveira – The Inspiration for ISFCC

In regards to Irish Society for Christian Civilisation, TheJournal.ie calls it “fringe” and features some very inaccurate statements in the article. For instance, ISD claimed that, “[t]hese activities [in the context of the Call to Chivalry summer camp] are unique – we have not witnessed any other dioceses engaging in the same activity,”

The statement is completely inaccurate. In 2016, the annual Call to Chivalry camp was held in Gormanston College in Co. Meath [5]. In 2017, the camp was held in Co. Wexford [6]. Before that, the camps had been held in Co. Tipperary.

Another misleading statement from TheJournal.ie comes from their article specifically about the Call to Chivalry summer camp in 2023: “When The Journal contacted the Catholic Church parish in Prosperous, Co. Kildare, it was told the local Catholic church membership had no knowledge of the camp or the group” [7]. However, there was written confirmation from the local Bishop that the Latin Mass was permitted to be said at the camp. The Bishop was fully informed about the summer camp.

Click here to read more about the Call to Chivalry Summer Camps

Lastly comes the repeated accusation against the ISFCC, put forward very concisely by a certain homosexual politician in TheJournal.ie’s article last year; that the ISFCC “sounds like a very specifically fringe organisation on the outskirts of the Catholic Church” [7]. ISFCC is not on “the outskirts” of Holy Mother Church nor is it “fringe.” In every major work of the TFP you’ll find these words: “We would not wish to end this work without a tribute of filial devotion and unrestricted obedience to the “sweet Christ on earth,” the pillar and infallible foundation of the Truth” [8].

Ironically, TheJournal.ie’s attack on Bishop Cullinan serves as an excellent exposition of His Excellency’s orthodoxy and his great zeal for the Catholic Faith.

In the face of all of these attacks, what shall we do? Shall we stand back as the forces of evil battle against Holy Mother Church and Her Magisterium? Shall we cower away when society has turned its back to God? We must remember the words of Saint Paul; si Deus pro nobis, qui contra nos? (If God be for us, who is against us?). We must never forget that God is on our side and that in the end, Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart will triumph.

To finish, when culture rejects God and walks away from Him, we should recall a similar event. After Our Lord taught the dogma of the Real Presence to the disciples, many left Him. Our Lord then asked the Apostles, Numquid et vos vultis abire? (Will you also go away?). To which Saint Peter replied, Domine, ad quem ibimus? (Lord, to whom shall we go?).

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